Saturday, March 28, 2015


"Is the thing with feathers
that perches in the soul-
and sings the tune without the words-
and never stops- at all-"
(Emily Dickinson)

I am not athletic.
There are few things I dislike as much as running. 
Maybe nothing besides going to the dentist and my monthly visitor.

So we registered for a 5K. For a youth event.
The Color Race For Grace at my school job. 
A pretty amazing thing for an amazing cause.
Human Trafficking. Which is a current commission for the Episocpal Diocese of Atlanta.

A great way for my two jobs to meet. 
A great experience for our youth! To run for a cause. 
And fun because we will be covered in colors.
And I can walk because- stroller problems.

I was surprised with the Hope the event filled me with.
The runners who were RUNNING and kicking my butt were inspiring.
The students of my school were inspiring.

At every color station the students cheered and encouraged every single person.
"Come on! You're almost there!"
"Don't slow down this is to end human trafficking"
"You can do it"
"Here take some water and a rest"

They were being true disciples. 
True leaders. Showing love to strangers. To the the out of shape moms.
To the kids who were struggling.

And it was real.
SO many students who I have taught in Intro to Theatre I saw in a totally new light.
I saw them stepping up and taking charge when I thought they were shy kids. 

They cheered me on and made me feel like I could do it and was awesome for pushing my kids in a stroller.
And they did that for every single runner.

It says a lot about their teachers, especially their peer leadership teacher, Lauren Howell who is basically the bees knees. She is a teacher, a prom organizer, a Starbucks lover, a mom, an amazing Christian, a runner and so many things. 
She inspires these kids to inspire hundreds of people and we all leave changed wanting to do more and be better.

Doesn't that give you hope?
I am so thankful for today and the amazing time I had. 
Next year you should be there (or be square) 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

What is Love?

(baby don't hurt me...don't hurt me....) 
( a battlefield)

This is a question that is debated over and over again. It is the subject of basically every song and usually a part of any book. 
This is something I have been struggling with. 
‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’  This is the greatest and first commandment.
 And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 
 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”- Matthew 22:36-40 

let me repeat one part 
And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' 

(disclaimer: stereotypes used below)

How simple does that sound? Like, the easiest thing ever right?
But our neighbors are more than the people we agree with.
It is easy for me to love my gay neighbors, my transgender neighbors, my Episcopalian neighbors, my Presbyterian neighbors, my drag queen neighbors, my Democratic neighbors, My muslim neighbor and my atheist/agnostic neighbors. 

Those are my people. I LOVE those people.  They are the downtrodden and I relate to them.
It is easy for me to use  
‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' 
to show my close minded Baptist/Methodist/Catholic neighbor about how they should love others. I even think of them as "Christians" (emphasis on the QUOTATION MARKS) because they are not accepting of those who are different (specifically the LGBTQ community) but I am JUST AS BAD AS BAD IF NOT WORSE BECAUSE
I am judging them.
I am judging them for not loving while committing the exact same sin. 
I am a hypocrite.

How do we balance love and healthy conversations? How to we disagree on fundamental issues but still show love and respect. 

This is where we try to define love. 
Handy Dandy has several definitions and in this case I think 
verb #18 is the best.... "to need or require, to benefit greatly from".
We benefit from these debates. 
We each think about our beliefs.
We have to learn to be articulate about those beliefs.

Isn't is it great for us to be shaken to our very foundation of faith?

Don't we grow in these situations?

Don't we learn to love ourselves more because we can reiterate these facts?

The more we love ourselves don't we grow to love ALL of our neighbors more?

I am trying to love ALL my neighbors, no matter how difficult.  I hope you will join me.