Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Birth Story

"Michael: At what time was I born, mother?
Mrs. Darling: At Two o'clock in the nighttime dearest.
Michael: Oh, mother, I hope I didn't wake you."- J.M Barrie Peter Pan and Other Plays
     Most birth stories go something like that. The surprise, the late night, the rushing to the hospital. For the longest time I though I would be the type of person who wanted the natural labor, birthing pool, etc. When I found out that my husband and I were expecting twins I knew I may have to change that plan. As an avid researcher I knew a c-section would probably be in my future (especially if they were in different positions) and I accepted this and welcomed it into my possibilities. Some may argue I could've gone natural but we (my husband and I) decided that it was the safest option and knew that was the way we'd be welcoming our little boys into the world. 

Because we are both crazy planner people, the c section became something we were excited about. I remember the day they asked us what day we wanted to have the surgery. We asked who the doctors would be and we were able to choose between two days. We chose August 23, 2013 because 1. They wouldn't be Leos 2. It was a Friday and 3. We loved the Dr. that would be on call. This date became set in our minds as the end date. An appointment that would be their birthday forever.  The countdown began. I would work two weeks and then begin maternity leave. I had had a pretty much perfect twin pregnancy. The midwives told me I would make it to "38 weeks no problem"- which is considered full term for twins. I was sure August 23rd would be the day and was also determined to get those boys to six pounds. On July 31, I had an ultra sound and the tech made it sound like she was worried that Fletcher was a little smaller than Finley. This totally freaked me out and decided to start eating more hardcore. I also discovered I had PUPPs- which is a nasty rash- Google it if you want to know- but you probably don't

Fast forward to my first week back to work (preplanning- I am a teacher). I was going to the doctor once a week at that point for urine checks, weight checks etc. SO on August 7th we went in for our regular appointment after my first day back to work. They were worried because I had gained 5 pounds in a week (which I accounted to my determination to get their weight up), my blood pressure was elevated (which I blamed on going back to work), and my urine looked bad (I'd had a couple UTIs and figured it was another one). The doctor told us "I'm not an alarmist but it looks like you may have pre-eclampsia. I'm going to order some blood tests, come back on Friday."  
Brandon and I went out to Olive Garden and basically talked ourselves into believing that the doctor was a crazy person and I would be fine for two weeks.

I set my appointment to be Friday morning before work because we were allowed to go in an hour late because we had open house that afternoon from 4-7pm. I was racking my brain hoping I would be able to leave a little early from school because 9-7pm seemed super long for my super pregnant itchy self.  I was waiting for forever in the waiting room and made sure to email my school secretary and friends to say I was stuck at the doctor and would be a little late. 

Here is where Life becomes hilarious. 
I go into the doctor and this is basically the dialogue. 

Dr. H: I have some news, I've looked at your test results and the babies probably need to come today. We'll take more blood to confirm but you need to take these papers with you to the hospital.

Me: Is there anyway it could be tomorrow?

Dr. H: No, you have pre-eclampsia. It can cause seizures and you could die from it. 

Me: I don't understand- I've had such a great pregnancy. 

Dr. H: Eclampsia is latin for lightning. It comes on quickly.

Me: Okay, what time today?

Dr. H: What time did you eat?

Me: 7

(He looks at a booking thing)

Dr. H: 2pm. But you need to go to the hospital now.

Me: Can I go home first? I drove myself and don't have anything.

Dr.H: (Sighs) yes but you need to go home and then go straight to the hospital- no hanging out at your house until 2pm. Here are the papers- see you soon. 

Think I am crazy? Well here is the order in which I called people to tell them that the babies were coming August 9th:
1. My long term sub so she would know that I needed her sooner.
2. My dad to tell him Happy Birthday and that his present would be two babies.
3. My husband to tell him he needed to leave work so we could go to the hospital. 

Then we went home- packed our bags and headed to the hospital. 
They took us back to the pre-op room, hooked me up to an IV and asked thousands of questions. 
Because my last meal was cocoa puffs it was determined that the surgery could happen sooner.
 We suited up and were ready to go....

Adorable, right? A c-section is a surreal experience. After they numbed me (which I was more nervous about than the surgery)- I was nervously waiting Mr. Boo's return. Once he was in the room he asked "Do you feel like you're on nip/tuck?" Which I totally did because we had been obsessed with that show and I was in the surgery position. He tried to hold my hand which was in an awkward position and we laughed about. All of a sudden they were saying "Here comes baby A" and I felt a pressure and release. Fletcher was out- crying and I saw a full head of dark hair! I heard them weigh him- over 6 pounds- Goal Achieved!

Then baby B! Finley! A full head of blonde hair and again over 6 pounds- double score. 

I asked Mr. Boo if they were perfect. They were. 
We told them we had been waiting for them.  Our little family was complete. 
They didn't wake me in the middle of the night that night but they sure did throw me for a loop. 
And so began my journey as a mother to two wonderful boys. I can't wait to share more of our adventures and to see how they continue to surprise me. 

First Family Portrait.